Disclaimer: This post will offend you IF you attend a church
that does NOT teach the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Be
For those of you who know me…and know me well, then you know
that I like dessert. Cakes, cookies, pies, you name it…as long as it has sugar
in it, then I’m a fan. Only until recently after several visits to the
doctor and having spent entirely too much money on insurance copays, did I
decide that it isn’t that important after all. I’ve come to understand that in
life, there are far more important things other than my lust for dessert. And
yes, I call my passion for dessert a lust. So please, don’t stop me…at least
let me rebuke myself. The important things in life should be to glorify God, spend
time connecting with others, and building lasting friendships with His
children. Now that’s living!
As much as I do like dessert, it often makes me think of
what would happen if a person only ate junk foods. Could a person survive on a
diet that only consisted of what is considered as junk food: cakes, donuts,
cotton candy, sugary snacks…you get my point here? Right? What if that person ate but the meal was
often watered down and not nutritious? What if the meal itself was tainted? Would
you still eat it? What if the meal had no real nutritional value at all?
So it is for many Christians on the Lord’s Day every Sunday
morning. You see, as much as I am actually happy about giving up my desserts,
I’m also sadden that many Christians choose to have what I call dessert on the
Lord’s Day far too often. What am I talking about? Well, it is what our culture
has come to accept on Sunday mornings, attending churches where expository
teaching and true Biblical theology are often forgotten and exchanged for
messages that focus on how we’re supposed to be happy, have more $$$$$, chase
success…and a host of other foolish ideas that I can’t even go into right now. My
sincere question is “Where is the Bible”?
Now here is the simple truth: Many churches in today’s
culture are giving what I’d like to term as “cotton-candy type theology” which
isn’t Biblical theology at all. And although I didn’t come up with the phrase,
it is worthy to repeat. Why are so many settling for cotton-candy Christianity?
What am I trying to say here? Well let’s see, you have churches that are giving
parishioners partial truth. And let me say this humbly, partial truth really
isn’t Truth at all. Instead of giving people the Truth that if they die in their
sins, they WILL go to hell, what some so called churches are telling people is
that God accepts everyone, whether they are currently practicing sin or not.
Really? Where’s that in the Bible? You see, we can’t just pick and choose what
we desire to believe in the Scriptures? The Bible states: “All Scripture is
breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent,
equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV). We are living in a day
where few want to hear the Truth.
1 Timothy 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later
times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful
spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose
consciences are seared.” (ESV).
Now I’m sure you’re wondering how in the world this pertains
to women, particular single women. We women are more prone to make decisions
based on our emotions, which is what the evil one desires most. We are the ones
who are most prone to being gullible (might I remind you of who was tricked in
the Garden of Eden, Reference: Genesis 3:1-6. And unfortunately we as women can
tend to be silly. (Please see my disclaimer). Now of course that is not always
the case, but we must be careful. Reference: 2 Timothy 3:6-7.
This brings me back to my opening comments about desserts.
Here’s my question to you: Would you attend a church where Christ has been
exchanged for a message that makes you feel good?
***Some things to consider when choosing a church:***
Does the Pastor live a life worthy of the
calling according to Scripture? See also 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1.
Are the messages Biblical? Or is this just
Psychology and motivational speaking 101 for the spiritually blind? (Sorry, got
to add that in there. Please see my
disclaimer at the top).
Are the church ministries Christ-centered? Now
this one here can be somewhat tricky. If you attend a church were most
everything is focused on your Pastor and not Christ, don’t walk……….RUN! Get out
of there...and don’t trip leaving.
Are the messages more new aged teaching with
very little to no mention of Jesus Christ? Are the messages focused on
something you’re supposed to do such as getting rich, being happy, not cutting
people off in traffic…that sort of thing? For example, does the Pastor teach on
messages that lend to your emotional side? Let me break it down Tennessee style,
do you find your Bible closed for the majority of the service? Now there’s your
biggest clue.
Lastly, check out the church website, their
belief statements. Does it align with Scriptures and the teachings of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ? If not, then keep it moving! Search for a church
somewhere else. (And let me add here that you will not know what a Bible church is unless you
read the Bible…and I’m not trying to be sarcastic in making that statement. I
am being sincere with that statement.)
Now before I get any dirty comments or emails or scud
missiles at my front door, let me say that it is not my intentions to offend
anyone. Those of you who know me well also know that in years past, I attended
what I call a church lost: where Jesus was exchanged for a more self-centered
focus. It is my heart’s desire to warn women everywhere and of course single
women, to beware of these types of churches with its seductive spirits and
cotton candy theology/Christianity which is so prevalent in our society today.
Lastly, I am currently reading a book by author Mark Dever
called “What Is A Healthy Church?” You may wish to consider this book as you
search for the meaning of a healthy, Christ-centered, God-honoring church.
In Him our Only Hope: Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves
to ask You to forgive us of our sins. Father God we ask for You to cleanse us through
and through. Help those who may read this blog to clearly hear Your voice in
where they are to worship on Sunday mornings. May they cease from following
emotionalism and sensationalism that has become so prevalent in Sunday morning
worship. Lord let us seek You and nothing else. May we take up our Cross and
follow You, in Jesus Name, Amen.